This particularly long entry is dedicated to the places, people, and experiences of which I have the most unforgettable memories. Camp Miniwanca, surrounded by the beautiful shores of Lake Michigan, the calm waters of Stoney Lake, and the woods was where I spent 1 week every summer (5 summers total). The four years in the program (age 17-21) did so much molding of me as a person, and it has left its lasting mark. Besides being a place to happily proclaim ones filthiness, sing goofy songs, and wake up early as hell, SOOO much good came out this experience. Because it was called the International Leadership Conference, of course leadership was exercised in the form of games and other interesting simulations; yet there was so much more to this place. Each year I went, I was faced with a different complex challenge: 1st year--mental, 2nd year--physical, 3rd year--social, 4th year--spiritual. I've gone from simulations that gave full course meals to some groups, while others got very little (and no utensils); I've went on a STRENUOUS 24-hour physical quest (exhausting--literally); I've worked on service projects; heck, I've even went on a 24-hour solo (just me and God) in the woods with no food. There was so much to gain from this experience (friendship, fun, diversity, leadership, volunteer service, etc) that, when I would overhear the spoiled brats complaining, or the little sheltered ghetto kids acting out and not trying to gain some diversity, it honestly hurt my heart. I have friends in Cairo, Nigeria, France, China, etc--and now that I think about it, the friends...words can't describe the care that I have for the unforgettable, everlasting friendships that I made throughout this program. These people were with me from the first summer to the last; and most came back to serve as staff our fifth year. Together we all learned the importance of William H. Danforth's quote: "I am on a voyage of discovery. I search for those of you who will go on a great adventure. I am looking for you, one of the audacious few, who will face life courageously, ready to strike straight at the heart of anything that is keeping you from your best. You intrepid ones whom behind the world moves forward." Seriously, the people whom I will soon mention are my best friends in the world, because we have been through so much together; and although we have known each other for the 5 years we were involved with American Youth Foundation, each year was only a week, so it sounds weird but truthful to say--"I have known my best friends for only 5 weeks". It made me so grateful to be a member of this program with these people; it made everything right. There were times in my life where I would question myself as far as me as a person and my impact on people life itself. I remember one time very distinctly. I received a letter from one of my class members and it said, "Seriously you are one of the most awsome people I have ever met". Do you KNOW how a statement like that can make a person feel?!--simply wonderful. This whole thing about camp and my friends may be hard to digest and respect from the eyes/ears of someone who was never fortunate to go; you just had to be there to understand. So to: Jesse Berrios, Nicole Bogacki, Cory Clines, Ingrid Cobb, Kelly Cole, Matt Dulle, Mike Dwiggins, Patience Edwards, Julia Graham, Timothy Hayes, Laura King, Katie Krenn, Cat Larrison, Asena Madison, Rhea Miller, Stephanie Miller, Libby Norris, Lylee Rauch-Kacenski, Myrrah Rehg, Erin VanderWier, and Lorin Woodford--let us never forget. Here's to: Collie Collie, Ryan Lee, 60-bay, polar bearing, 4-square, Wanca-bread, quest--esp 2nd year and 4th year, Waokihi, Kiwimbechamoto, Ripple of fire, travel notes, pictures, Wakota Sioux, Waconda, Church of the dunes, Nathan Keence (R.I.P.), Zeke's stairs, reflections, Good ole' Nancy, William H. Danforth, Jennifer and John Gilburg (bra-vo!!), Mary Dee Schmidtt, and most importantly: "My own self, at my very best, all the time".
"...As we grow, we will help each other learn to grow; remembering the friends and memories, and Waokihi..."
-excerpt from Waokihi class song
Waokihi="Preparing Each Other for the Future"