Sunday, January 01, 2006

We need a resolution
I thought long and hard about New Year's resolutions for the new year of 2006. At first I was like, "What's the point", but then I figured, "What could it hurt"--you know, to make myself a little better little by little. I came up with a few...AHEM!!!
  • Since I always wanted to do martial arts, I figured, "What the hell". Haven't made my decision yet, but it's between Shaolin Boxing and Shaolin Kung-Fu.
  • Everyone who knows me knows that I can't live without either juice, gatorade, or powerade. Therefore, another resolution is to drink more water.
  • TV nowadays is so one-tracked and boring that there's only a few programs (sports and Law and Order) that I watch, so I will read at least one book for every month of the year. So far I have Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. When I finish it, next I will read Hemotions by Bishop T.D. Jakes.
  • I've never been an alchy FOR REAL for real, but at one point or another, I have been every type of drunk imaginable. I've calmed down A LOT and lately have only been drinking for taste. A Long Island Here, a vodka and lemonade there, Jager, etc... As of 2006, I will only drink beer and wine/champagne; no more liquors. Far less potent, very good taste, and it allows me to take my digression step by step. But seriously, the next time I get straight bent off liquor will be with my wife on my honeymoon.

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