Fear not, I have returned
This Spring Break was aight. I did absolutely nothing, which was actually a long-awaited reward. I saw a lot of movies that I've been wanting to see, and finally got started on this new keyboard synthesizer I bought. I also spent a lot of time meditating and thinking about my life and the things I want. I realized that my desire to be the best at everything is in a way, a very drastic flaw. There are so many different things I want to be good at--(no) the tightest at, and that's cool; maybe it's why I'm such a sore loser and why I'm so competitive at everything. My problem is that I expect too much sometimes. Realistically thinking, I can't be the best at everything; and even if I got extremely close, what would that mean? I'm still not the best. Plus, I'd probably be boring as hell, to outsiders at least. Probably the thing that stands out the most is the fact that I'd be spending so much time on myself and not enough on others, which is contrary to maturity and responsibility acceptance. It's cool to try lots of things, but I think I need to start narrowing my life down and figuring more what I'm good at versus things that just jump out at me. In other news, I just made a cut to my phonebook of women, most of which I used to talk to at some point. I figured, some people just take up unnecessary space, such as in a harddrive, cell-phone storage, or in our own personal lives. Not to be mean or nothing but... Part in the journey of life is not looking back. I'm on a mission right now, so I don't need breadcrumbs. If I ever need to find my way back (probably won't) to regroup, I'm sure I can get there by some other means, or think of a better reason not to.
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