Thursday, April 06, 2006

Da Trufe Will Set U Phree
Today I took a serious step towards a deeper maturity level. I had to step out of a situation based on certain values that I encourage and expect, namely truth. I absolutely hate being lied to! It serious makes me feel terrible, number one because I'm a straight-up type person. Second, regardless if the intention is meant to hurt and deceive or not, it is an insult to my intelligence. In this situation, I had to sit and contemplate, whether these incongruencies were actually an issue, or was I just picking a fight, as I sometimes tend to do (okay I need to work on that one). It actually turned out that this was a big issue that was engulfing me by the second. It really hurt to put the nail in the coffin, because she is soooo cool, sweet, and attractive. But the point is, if I can't trust you, don't look forward to me getting involved any deeper emotionally. And rather than just pretend to not care in order to reap certain benefits like most other dudes would, I'd rather bail now, and end it maintaining my honesty and integrity because I don't like my time wasted; and I'd assume that most other people don't either. It's just now I wonder, over the past year or so, I've just encountered so many lies, and fakeness to the point where I almost anticipate some bs upon meeting a new young lady. I just don't want to get to the point where I think it's impossible to find a lady who represents the personification of Honesty. In the midst of situations like this one, I try to stay faithful, but......(shrug). The truth hurts. I'm a big boy, I can take it.

1 comment:

JD_Janelle said...

I've been in a situation like that before.....tough. Well, I hope you feel good about
your decision.