Monday, April 17, 2006

Weekly Review
So I haven't wrote in a long time. So what! I been busy...I'm lying. I have just been slacking on a little bit of everything. I'm tired. Anyway, this week was really cool. Nice weather, I happend to stumble on $3300 extra bucks from an old auto-accident. The Lord is always right on time huh? lol. I also got to relax a bit and listen to some poetry at an open mic session at Wash U. Wow. There was this girl there who sang a few songs she wrote---omg she has some talent. She sounds like India Arie and all of her stuff is from the heart, true, and original. Women who have outstanding vocals and/or poetic talents are such a turn-on. Even if the girl wouldn't have been physically attractive, it's like her soul reaches out to mind, demanding attention because of the truth in what she says and the beauty in the way I hear it. Had an exam on Friday that I didn't study for until maybe like 2 hours ahead of time; probably aced it anyways...again. Easter was hype. My mom cooked turkey, dressing, ham, and all the lil' side fixins. It was such a nice day outside, we just sat outside doing nothing mostly after church. My sisters came through and we acted a fool as usual. We also planned my dads 50th Birthday. My mom is gonna buy up a lot of King Crab, shrimp, wine, and stuff. We'll celebrate and give him his gift. My siblings and I chipped in together and bought him an X Box 360. He's been wanting an X Box for the longest, so we figure, might as well get him the new ish. He deserves it. That's the thing about being excellent parents. When you get older and kids can actually do more, you'll be taken care of.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Da Trufe Will Set U Phree
Today I took a serious step towards a deeper maturity level. I had to step out of a situation based on certain values that I encourage and expect, namely truth. I absolutely hate being lied to! It serious makes me feel terrible, number one because I'm a straight-up type person. Second, regardless if the intention is meant to hurt and deceive or not, it is an insult to my intelligence. In this situation, I had to sit and contemplate, whether these incongruencies were actually an issue, or was I just picking a fight, as I sometimes tend to do (okay I need to work on that one). It actually turned out that this was a big issue that was engulfing me by the second. It really hurt to put the nail in the coffin, because she is soooo cool, sweet, and attractive. But the point is, if I can't trust you, don't look forward to me getting involved any deeper emotionally. And rather than just pretend to not care in order to reap certain benefits like most other dudes would, I'd rather bail now, and end it maintaining my honesty and integrity because I don't like my time wasted; and I'd assume that most other people don't either. It's just now I wonder, over the past year or so, I've just encountered so many lies, and fakeness to the point where I almost anticipate some bs upon meeting a new young lady. I just don't want to get to the point where I think it's impossible to find a lady who represents the personification of Honesty. In the midst of situations like this one, I try to stay faithful, but......(shrug). The truth hurts. I'm a big boy, I can take it.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Fear not, I have returned
This Spring Break was aight. I did absolutely nothing, which was actually a long-awaited reward. I saw a lot of movies that I've been wanting to see, and finally got started on this new keyboard synthesizer I bought. I also spent a lot of time meditating and thinking about my life and the things I want. I realized that my desire to be the best at everything is in a way, a very drastic flaw. There are so many different things I want to be good at--(no) the tightest at, and that's cool; maybe it's why I'm such a sore loser and why I'm so competitive at everything. My problem is that I expect too much sometimes. Realistically thinking, I can't be the best at everything; and even if I got extremely close, what would that mean? I'm still not the best. Plus, I'd probably be boring as hell, to outsiders at least. Probably the thing that stands out the most is the fact that I'd be spending so much time on myself and not enough on others, which is contrary to maturity and responsibility acceptance. It's cool to try lots of things, but I think I need to start narrowing my life down and figuring more what I'm good at versus things that just jump out at me. In other news, I just made a cut to my phonebook of women, most of which I used to talk to at some point. I figured, some people just take up unnecessary space, such as in a harddrive, cell-phone storage, or in our own personal lives. Not to be mean or nothing but... Part in the journey of life is not looking back. I'm on a mission right now, so I don't need breadcrumbs. If I ever need to find my way back (probably won't) to regroup, I'm sure I can get there by some other means, or think of a better reason not to.