Friday, January 13, 2006

"In a perfect world..."
  • All countries (U.S. especially) mind their own business.
  • All cars run on batteries which you can plug into an AC adapter to charge.
  • For the next 400 years, there will be free college tuition at any U.S. college/university to an African-American would be our reparations from slavery. Student must be accepted to "x" school; and schools cannot change criterion for ethnic enrollment numbers. Knowledge is power baby!!!!
  • Someone would invent timecards, which would be purchased prepay. These cards would either freeze time (running late or once in-a-lifetime moments) or speed up time (impatient or working a slow shift).
  • Lies, even the most petty and ridiculous are punishable by law (usually a $500 fine and/or jailtime). In case you haven't noticed, I'm not too fond of liers.
  • White Castle hamburgers would be a nickel like back in the "olden days".
  • We would relive the Hawthorne days and use scarlett letters to identify traits in others that most people would steer clear of in relationships, friendships, prospective employees, etc. S--Sleazoid. L--Compulsive Lier. C--Clingy. A--Alcoholic. V--Venereal Disease. B--Broke. F--No Future. D--Dumb as Hell. T--Talkative. X--Inexperienced in Bed. M--Taken/Married.
  • Dreams are programmable. Length, setting, characters, mood, genre are a few of the creative categories.
  • Telephone automated dialers and switchboards (the annoying, talking ones) are all obliterated from existance.

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