Friday, February 10, 2006

Flashbacks to 2001
In July I started a job at SLU Hospital as a pharmacy tech. For the Fall semester, I worked full-time, and overnight (11 hour shifts) for a seven day period; then I would be off for the next week. Much of my time there I would spend in the IV clean room making IV fluids for patients; and occasionally (i.e. some gunshot wound patient is bleeding to death, or someone is crashing or going into cardiac arrest) patients would need their fluids asap, so I would make a dash to the floor to save the day of course. It's just so weird that while roaming the floors, I caught a flashback of my senior year. My senior year of high school (2001), I nearly lost my grandmother, brother, and two cousins in a TERRIBLE car accident. For at least 5 months my grandmother was an ICU patient at SLU. So when I would make my "stat" run to the floor to send fluids, I would occasionally come to the room where she used to be, which would bring me into a nostalgic rush. That day was terrible. That situation was extreme, and I mean I almost lost it. At first I thought the accident was just a fender-bender--oh no; far from it. I never hugged my brother so tight in all my life. Not done yet... So, I went back to school full time this semester and was compelled to leave SLU, so recently I made a switch to Depaul Health Center doing the same thing pretty much; but check this--also my senior year, another tragedy occurred; I lost my grandpa to cancer. Guess where he was when he died--yeps, Depaul. Yeah, my senior year was pretty rough. So it's really weird as I go to work, thinking back to the last thing that brought me their, being my grandpa on his deathbed. I don't like this trend my vocational experience is projecting.

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